Monday, July 19, 2010

One of those days

Today as usual I have a list of things to do as long as my arm but I can't seem to get motivated enough to any of it. Well I tell a lie I have done some things. The ones that have taken very little time or effort.
Days like these seem to be happening more and more.
Is it because of old age, Hey I am not that old.
Is it because of my condition? Possible but I am not going to let a silly lazy thyroid beat me.
Is it because I have become bored? Very Possible same old same old gets very tiresome very quickly
Is it rebellion against the fact that I have to do these things? This is the most likely reason.

I seem to be doing all these things for everyone else as a mother, daughter, business owner etc is expected to do. It is just life and the way it goes when you have a family and run your own business. Until about 3 months ago I had one day a week where once I got the kids off to school the day was mine to do as I pleased. I would watch tv, play with my beads, make glass beads, go to a movie, whatever I wanted to do, it was good and I had very few days of feeling so blah. I planned for these days. I would bust my arse making sure there was nothing to do on that day. I would do all the housework the day before, make sure all bookwork and stuff was done for Beads of Ambrosia, hell I would even makes sure I doubled up on Bread and milk so if I didn't want to leave the house I didn't have too. Sadly these days have dried up :(

First one of the older daughters came home so her and bubby were there, then hubby takes some time off work so he is home, then school holidays. Then there's all the little things oh your not working that day can you do this and on it goes. I love my family very much, I love my business just as much but please I need a break!!

Am I selfish to want my day back.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Welcome to my Blog Looking through the Glass,all about how I see things in my World.

To start with I guess I should tell you a little about my self.
Well I am almost 40, I have 4 children, all Girls ages 6,9, 17,and 20 & My partner of 10 years live in sunny Queensland Australia. My 2 eldest girls have gone out into the world to fend for themselves and between them have given me 3 gorgeous grandchildren, 2 boys and 1 little girl.
I have a bead shop and am a jewellery designer. I have been playing with beads for the last 7 years and 4 years ago moved towns and opened Beads of Ambrosia
Now for the rest
Fav Colour: Purple & Black
Fav Flower: Black Rose
Birthsign: Scorpio
Fav Music: Well I like most music but would have to say Heavy Metal such as Megadeth, Metallica, Sepultura and Ozzy Osbourne are my favourites

That's all at the moment now it is time for me to step into one of my many roles and become the "Cleaner" and get my daily housecleaning done.

Again welcome and I hope over time you will enjoy my ramblings.